Configure & Install WMIC for Observium
WMI Poller
Configuring Windows Firewall and User Access for
guide assumes you know what Group Policy is.
Allowing WMI Connections in Windows Firewall
Enabling Firewall
Settings via GPO
1. Open Group Policy Management
2. Create
and/or edit the Group Policy Object you wish put these settings into
3. Expand
Computer Config > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings >
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security > Windows Firewall
with Advanced Security > Inbound Rules
4. Create
a New Rule under Inbound Rules
5. Choose
the Predefined option, and select Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) from
the drop-down list, click Next
6. Select
the "WMI-In" option and click Next
7. Allow
the connection > Finish
Enabling Firewall Settings for Individual Server
1. Open up Windows Firewall with Advanced
Security, either through Control Panel or Server Manager, Run -> wf.mfc
2. Create
a New Rule under Inbound Rules
3. Choose
the Predefined option, and select Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) from
the drop-down list, click Next
4. Select
the "WMI-In" option and click Next
5. Allow
the connection > Finish
Configuring WMI Security to Allow a User to Poll
are a few ways to go about this:
1. Create a domain user and put them in
the Administrator group for all of the servers you wish to poll with WMI
2. Use
a Domain Admin account
3. Create
a dedicated domain user with Read permissions for WMI
Choice #1 or #2 is preferred for testing WMI
since it's the fastest. By default, WMI security allows control by
any Administrator of the system. If you're a Domain Admin you can test to make
sure WMIC is working properly immediately after you install (instructions below). Choice #3, on
the other hand, is the more secure but more complex option. It's recommended
you take this route to reduce security risks.
Dedicated Domain User for WMI Polls
Unfortunately, there are not any official GPOs
available for WMI Security. You will have to perform a bit of a manual process
once to generate the data you need to input a string into a script that you
will deploy via GPO. Note: Changes
to WMI security is rarely done but you need to understand that this
process will overwrite WMI Security settings
for all servers the GPO applies to. If there have not been any
changes to WMI Security for any of your servers, then you need not worry.
Suffice it to say, Observium is not responsible for any damages done.
original guide for this can be found here.
Set WMI Security
1. Create a new domain user for the
purpose of WMI remote reads and add them to the Distributed COM Users group for all
2. On
any server you wish to monitor with WMI, open Computer Management (Run -> compmgmt.msc)
3. Navigate
to Services and Applications -> WMI Control
4. Right
click on WMI Control and go to Properties
5. Navigate
to the Security Tab
6. Select one of the following
Namespaces to add a user:
a. \Root - This will grant the user read access
to all WMI Namespaces. Good for future proofing as WMI Providers can be placed anywhere within the system.
b. \Root\CIMV2 - The bare minimum currently
required by current
WMI pollers in Observium.
7. Click the Security
8. Click the Advanced
9. Click Add
10. Enter the desired user and click OK
11. Under the "Apply To" drop down
select "This namespace and subnamespaces"
12. Check Allow for:
a. Enable Account
b.Remote Enable
13. Ensure that "Apply these permissions to
objects and/or containers within this container only" is UNCHECKED
14. Click Apply/OK until you're out of OK buttons
to click
Installing WMIC
Install Repository
CentOS 6 x32
CentOS 6 x64
Install WMIC from Repositary
yum -y install wmi
Set Configuration Variables in config.php
Open up
/opt/observium/config.php, add the following lines and then edit them to match
your settings:
$config['wmi']['domain'] = ""; // Shorthand Domain/Workgroup (ie. not $config['wmi']['user'] = ""; // Username
$config['wmi']['pass'] = ""; // Password
Configure Hosts in Observium to Use WMI Poller
the WMI module will cause the Observium poller to include the module in its
scheduled poll.
1. Navigate to the overview page for the
device you want to monitor
2. On
the right-most side of the secondary navigation bar click on the gear:
3. Click on the Modules tab
4. Search
for "wmi" and click the Enable button
5. You're done!
Manually Poll / Test
/opt/observium/discovery.php -h "HostName_or_DeviceID" -m wmi-common
I am wondering if it is possible to force observium to using a static wmi port (24158 to be precise) for standalone wmi management without high port range behind firewall
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