Join CentOS 7 into Active Directory using realm and sssd

Introduction to SSSD and Realmd 
Staring from Red Hat 7 and CentOS 7, SSSD or 'System Security Services Daemon' and
realm have been introduced. SSSD's main function is to access a remote identity and authentication resource through a common framework that provides caching and offline support to the system. SSSD provides PAM ans NSS integration and a database to store local users, as well as core and extended user data retrieved from a center server.

The main reason to transition from winbind to sssd is that sssd can be used for both direct and indirect integration and allows to switch from one integration approach to another without significant migration costs. The most convenient way to configure SSSD or winbind in order to directly integrate a Linux system with AD is use the realm service. Because it allows callers to configure network authentication and domain membership in a standard way. The realm service automatically discovers information about accessible domain and realm and does not require advanced configuration to join domain or realm.

1. Install required packages on your machine:

yum install -y realmd sssd oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir adcli samba-common samba-common-tools ntpdate ntp krb5-workstation

2. Configure ntp to prevent time sync issues:
systemctl enable ntpd
ntpdate "your ntp server"
systemctl start ntpd
3. Discover your domain before join
realm discover "your domain"
4. Now that we've got that out of the way we can actually join the domain, this can be done with the 'realm join' command as shown below. You will need to specify the username of a user in the domain that has privileges to join a server to the domain
realm join --user="domainadminuser@domain" "domain"
5. Once you enter the password for your specific account, the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf and /etc/krb.conf files will be automatically configured.
We can confirm that we're in the realm (Linux terminology for the domain) by running the "realm list" command:
realm list
6. Edit sssd configuration file as we don't want to use FQDN
vi /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
7. The following lines need to change from:
use_fully_qualified_names = True
fallback_homedir = /home/%u%d
8. To the below, which does not require the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to be specified. This also modifies the user directory in /home fro having the FQDN specified after the username
use_fully_qualified_names =False 
fallback_homedir = /home/%u
9. To apply these changes, restart sssd
systemctl restart sssd
10. Permit only one Active Directory group to logon
realm permit -g "activedirectorygroup@domain"
11. Given sudo permissions to an active directory group, type command as below
12. Add
%"activedirectorygroup@domain" ALL=(ALL) ALL
%"domain"\\"activedirectorygroup" ALL=(ALL) ALL


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